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What's New with My Site?

I am so excited about getting my first book published.  I have chosen Cood Catch Publishing Company to publish it and have commissioned a professional artist to paint the cover.  Also, God has given me 3 verses of a beautiful original song that depicts the contents of the book, entitled My Golden Bench.  I have attached a critique about the book for your information.  Please watch my web site for chances to buy the book. 

Oh, My Child, I LOVE Thee presents a guide emerging in part out of The Divine virtually operating on Earth through the individual; words spoken to her upon answering her prayers. Dee has shared some of these precious intimate times she has had with her Abba Elohay while sitting beside her daddy on what she calls a heavenly "Golden Bench."

It is Dee’s goal that the reader might be "encouraged to tune in... as He speaks to (him or her) personally." She touches upon diverse challenges one tends to find in a sometimes-uncertain modern society, using a generally straightforward format.

Largely founded on her belief that "God never changes," she declares that God is continually speaking to His children and longs to speak to all who come to Him in faith and expectancy. Many notations touch upon the viable power of prayer, posing faith as a means toward achieving a degree of peace or comprehension. The journal entry on April 13, 2007 imparts a message about human "imperfections" as they might occur in the Church. As the work progresses, Dee focuses on a range of sentiments and scenarios, from the seeming nuances of family bonds to financial considerations and social interaction, the notion of "protection," guidance after a perceived failure, asking for deliverance, finding a measure of strength in facing adversity and much more.

Dee has divided her journal into 19 chapters, each based upon who God said He was in His Word, i.e. I Am Jehovah Jireh, the God who Provides, contains the words He spoke about her provision.

The last two chapters cite the importance of "remembering" and "journaling," Dee stresses the fact that "each of us has a book inside of us that our family, friends and perhaps the world needs to read."

What's New with My Subject?

If I didn't include a news section about my site's topic on my home page, then I could include it here.