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Delores "Dee" Edwards was born to Godly parents in Kennewick, Washington, and has been ministering in music before crowds of people since she was eight years of age. She attended Northwest Nazarene College, where she studied music and married Don Edwards, also a musician. She and her husband were ministers of music in Nampa, Idaho; Council Bluffs, Iowa; Nyssa, Idaho; and in two Evangelical United Brethren churches in Salem. Dee has ministered in countless more churches directing choirs, as pianist, organist, singing in small groups, soloist for TV and radio programs, solo work in choirs, church services, weddings, funerals, nursing homes, prisons, missions and emergency lodges. She has been a piano teacher for ten years, has taught music in kindergartens and public schools and has directed a Kindergarten - Day school. Dee has four children, seven wonderful grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. In 1977, Dee received her certificate of ordination as a minister of the gospel by Evangelistic Messengers Association. She is co-founder of LOVE Ministries, an outreach of LOVE, caring, serving and teaching, taking the gospel and songs of Jesus Christ to the homeless on the streets and parks of Salem, Oregon. Dee has been a volunteer at Union Gospel Mission of Salem since approximately 1980 where she gives spiritual counsel and encouragement, sings, speaks and prays with the needy. Dee is also a writer, co-authoring over 40 Diagrams for Understanding God's Plan for Mankind and 23 life-changing children's stories. Through LOVE Ministries, she developed a 2 hour seminar/concert entitled “Of LOVE I Sing,” where she teaches I Corinthians 13 interwoven with 13 songs of LOVE. She has written her saintly mother's life story, "Through a Century with Sarah Elizabeth Catherine Winchester-Graves. "Oh, My Child, I LOVE Thee," contains portions of God's words spoken to her in answering her prayers while sitting beside her Abba Father on her Golden Bench. In“Come Walk With Me Where Jesus Walked,” you will tour the Holy Land of Israel with Dee, as you see and learn about each site. Her latest family book, Inside Mother’s Kitchen, will take you down memory lane with her mother, born in 1893, and her delicious cooking, even before modern appliances. In a setting of wonderful old photos of her mother with her children and grandchildren, you’ll find recipes in her own handwriting, family recipes, nutritional tips, vitamin and supplements Dee takes and why and much more.

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